Download The Testament by John Grisham (.MP3)

The Testament by John Grisham
Requirements: MP3 Player, 400 MB, 64 kbps
Overview: Troy Phelan, a 78-year-old eccentric and the 10th-richest man in America, is about to read his last will and testament, divvying up an estate worth $11 billion. Phelan’s three ex-wives, their grasping spawn, a legion of lawyers, several psychiatrists, and a plethora of sound technicians wait breathlessly, all eyes glued to digital monitors as they watch the old man read his verdict. But Phelan shocks everyone with a bizarre, last-gasp attempt to redistribute the spoils, setting in motion a legal morality tale of a contested will, sin, and redemption.

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Download The Street Lawyer by John Grisham (.MP3)

The Street Lawyer by John Grisham
Requirements: MP3 Player, 333 MB, 128 kbps
Overview: John Grisham is back with his latest courtroom conundrum, The Street Lawyer. This time the lord of legal thrillers dives deep into the world of the homeless, particularly their barely audible legal voice in a world dominated by large, all-powerful law firms. Our hero, Michael Brock, is on the fast track to partnership at D.C.’s premier law firm, Sweeny & Drake. His dream of someday raking in a million-plus a year is finally within reach. Nothing can stop him, not even 90-hour workweeks and a failing marriage–until he meets DeVon Hardy, a.k.a. "Mister," a Vietnam vet with a grudge against his landlord and a few lawyers to fry.

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Download The Partner by John Grisham (.MP3)

The Partner by John Grisham
Requirements: MP3 Player, 480 MB, 96 kbps
Overview: Literary slugger John Grisham returns with a story about– surprise!–a lawyer in trouble. Patrick Lanigan had been a young partner in a prominent Southern law firm. He had a beautiful wife, a new baby girl, and a bright future. Then one winter night Patrick was trapped in a burning car; the casket they buried held nothing but ashes. A short distance away, Patrick watched his own burial then fled. A fortune was stolen from his ex-firm’s offshore account. And Patrick ran, covering his tracks the whole way. But, now, they’ve found him.

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Download The Runaway Jury by John Grisham (.MP3)

The Runaway Jury by John Grisham
Requirements: MP3 Player, 591 MB, 96 kbps
Overview: Grisham is either remarkably prescient or just plain lucky; because with public concerns about the tobacco companies heating up, and two major nonfiction books currently garnering a lot of attention, he has come up with a tobacco-suit novel that lights up the courtroom. In a Mississippi Gulf Coast town, the widow of a lifelong smoker who died prematurely of lung cancer is suing Big Tobacco. Enter Rankin Fitch, a dark genius of jury fixing, who has won many such trials for the tobacco companies and who foresees no special problems here. Enter also a mysterious juror, Nicholas Easter, whom Fitch’s army of jury investigators and manipulators can’t quite seem to track-and his equally mysterious girlfriend Marlee, who soon shows Fitch she knows even more about what’s happening in the jury room than he does. The details of jury selection are fascinating and the armies of lawyerly hangers-on and overpaid consultants that surround such potentially profitable (to either side) cases are horribly convincing.

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Download The Rainmaker by John Grisham (.MP3)

The Rainmaker by John Grisham
Requirements: MP3 Player, 722 MB, 96 kbps
Overview: Grisham’s intricate, spellbinding sixth novel differs from his last few, it’s his only book with first-person narration and his first since his debut to be set in a courtroom, but the trademark Grisham touches are in place. Rookie attorney Rudy Baylor is the customary David fighting a legal Goliath (here a multibillion-dollar insurance company), and the suspense builds with impeccable pacing despite workaday prose. When the modestly sized law firm that contracted for his future services unexpectedly merges with a tony Ivy League firm, Rudy finds himself without a job and bankrupt.

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