Download Castle Lord: Dungeon Core Master by Gunnar Stevenson (.ePUB)

Castle Lord: Dungeon Core Master by Gunnar Stevenson
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 2.2 MB
Overview: As a sentient castle, Castle has always yearned to be a dungeon core, where it could protect and guard treasures and power. However, as a sentient castle, Castle can only watch as adventurers loot and destroy its halls without being able to retaliate.

In order to become a dungeon core, Castle must first conquer the dungeon in the depths of the earth that currently houses the dungeon core. It must also conquer its own sentimental attachment to the land above, as conquering a dungeon is a dangerous and life-altering experience.

“I want to become a dungeon core, but I don’t know how. I’m not like a normal dungeon core that’s created in the depths of the earth. I was built over many centuries and have grown a deep love and attachment for my halls and grounds. Can you help me?”

Whether or not Castle becomes a dungeon core is up to you! Follow this adventure filled with treasures and monsters as it sets out to conquer the dungeon below and become a true dungeon core.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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