Download Casting Shadows of Doubt by Alisa Ryan (.ePUB)

Casting Shadows of Doubt (Midwest Murders #1) by Alisa Ryan
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 434 KB
Overview: Working with the dead is something Dr. Emily Aaker enjoys. She prefers them to most of the living she knows. As a forensic pathologist, she enjoys her job but has little time for anything else. Officer Jake Jennings and Dr. Aaker work as part of a team to find answers to a body dumped in their area. Danger lurks around them when another body is found and then another. Their working relationship starts to change the more time they spend together. Yet, Emily knows distractions will not help solve this case.

As their investigation progresses, it generates more questions and bodies than answers the deeper and farther afoot they place their focus. Nevertheless, before discovering who’s doing this, they stumble on a few secrets people will kill to hide.
Genre: Fiction > Mystery/Thriller


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