Download Captives of New Pompeii by Aubrey Ross (.ePUB)

Captives of New Pompeii by Aubrey Ross (New Pompeii #1)
Requirements: ePUB Reader 181 Kb
Overview: Felicia, high priestess of Venus, awakens on a "skyship" terrified and disorientated. Her prophetic dreams foretold Pompeii’s destruction, but no one would listen to her warnings. A handsome young man appears at her side, insisting he’s an agent of Venus. She’s intrigued by his touch and soothed by his charm, but she knows his story is false. If Venus had chosen another to empower, Felicia would have sensed it.
Doctor Aiden Thrax is part of the rescue party transporting the people of Pompeii to their new home on the planet of Fedoros. He’s thrilled that so many lives have been saved, but he’s suspicious of his employer’s motivation. And his concerns are intensified by his attraction to Felicia. Each kiss, each heated embrace makes him more determined to expose the greed and corruption behind the evacuation.
Genre: Erotic Romance, Sci Fi


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