Caissons Go Rolling Along: A Memoir of America in Post-World War I Germany by Johnson Hagood, Larry A. Grant (Editor)
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Overview: Major General Johnson Hagood (1873-1948) was one of South Carolina’s most distinguished army officers of the twentieth century. An artillerist and a scholar of military science, Hagood became a noted expert in logistics and served as the chief of staff of the Services of Supply in World War I Europe. Taken from Hagood’s wartime journal, Caissons Go Rolling Along describes his artillery brigade’s march into Germany in 1918, the wartime devastation, his impressions of the defeated enemy and occupied territories, and his tour of the recent battlefields in the company of the commanders who fought there.
Written in a conversational style, the narrative focuses principally on Hagood’s time in command of the Sixty-sixth Field Artillery Brigade following the armistice. The Sixty-sixth FAB was attached to the American Third Army, which later became the American occupation force in the Rhineland. Hagood recorded his impressions of the conditions in which he found his men at the end of the war and the events of a tour of the French, British, and American battlefields. More important, he set down a record of the devastation of the French countryside, the contrasting lack of suffering he found in Germany, the character of the Germans, and some predictions for the future.
Genre: Non-Fiction – Biographies
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