Download But I Love You by Peter Rosch (.ePUB)(.AZW3)

But I Love You by Peter Rosch
Requirements: .ePUB, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 1.56 MB
Overview: A successful dating service maven falls for a beautiful new client, forcing the hand of her sociopathic admirer.

On the well-intentioned dare of a friend, model and recovering addict Lisa Denton meets Alicia Lynn Wilde, Manhattan’s hottest matchmaker to the city’s elite and the mind behind an exclusive, very lucrative singles service built on a misguided ideal, lies, and Midwestern blue collar work ethic.

licia’s brief encounter with this new stranger quickly begins to unsettle her meticulously curated world, and throws Lisa unwittingly into a series of unsavory—possibly lethal—events already set in motion when one of Elite Two Meet’s members claims to have been sexually assaulted by two high-profile clientele.
Genre: Fiction > Mystery/Thriller > Romance > Suspense


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