Download Burn For Me by Gypsy Reed (.ePUB)

Burn For Me (Devils MC #2) by Gypsy Reed
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 328 kB
Overview: Haunted. Hunted. Desperate.


He swore he loved me, promised he’d always take care of me, and we’d never be torn apart.


He turned his back without a second glance and walked into a future without me in it.


I’ll never completely heal from the hell he left me burning in until he answers one question for me. After everything we shared when we had no one else…



Everything I touch turns to ash. Drowning my scorched soul in booze, babes, and bikes to numb the pain, I deny the truth even when it’s staring me in the face. I can incinerate everything except my past, it’s always there to ignite the emptiness inside me. A constant reminder of my bitterest regret, greatest failure, and all our lost hopes and broken dreams. There’s no sanctuary, no reprieve when I didn’t just let the only love I’ve ever known die but killed it.
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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