Download Brothers Bound by Bruce K. Berger (.ePUB)

Brothers Bound by Bruce K. Berger
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1.8MB | Retail
Overview: How much can the human spirit endure? Buck, a Caucasian teacher, and Hues, a multiracial street preacher, form an unlikely friendship after meeting in a bar fight near their Army training base in 1969. When their helicopter crashes later in Vietnam and they’re captured by Viet Cong soldiers, they begin to learn the power of brotherhood. Marched to a prison camp and forced into hard labor, they are beaten frequently and given little to eat or drink as they suffer a brutal life in a bamboo cage.

Each day begins with the ominous question: how can they survive another day? They discover the gift of good memories and share them often. And they find great hope in Hues’s incredible life spirit that lights their darkest days.

Fourteen months after their capture, Hues damages his ankle so severely he can’t walk. With death closer than ever, they escape and begin a harrowing journey through the dense jungle filled with predators-the enemy, the wildlife, and even their fellow soldiers who may not recognize them. Buck vows to carry Hues every step until they reach safety, but can they possibly make it? Their devotion to each other drives them onward.
Genre: Fiction > Mystery/Thriller


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