Download Broken Fate by Riley Storm (.ePUB)

Broken Fate by Riley Storm (Shards of Fate Book 1)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 308 kb
Overview: I’m not ready for love, but he’ll burn our society to the ground to have me…

Exiled from society. Stripped of the only friend I ever had. Forced to hold my parent’s dead bodies as my house and world burned around me. All this after trying to shatter the Fate Stone. It was my only way out, but I failed. Now I’ve destroyed my life. At least, that’s what I think, until I meet Kiel …

He’s the fiery leader of a rebellion that I never knew existed. Until a few days ago, my world was a peaceful, wonderful one. Now he’s telling me that it’s built upon a foundation of lies and the dead. And, he says, I’m the one who is going to change it all. By doing what I couldn’t do the first time. Destroying the stone, and the piece of Fate herself that is bound to it.

Despite his guarded, harsh exterior, the longer I spend with Kiel, the deeper I see into him. And what I find, is a man desperately in need of someone to trust. To share his burden with. What I can’t figure out, is why he would trust me, the one who’s broken everything she’s ever touched?
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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