Download Broken by Victoria Flynn (.ePUB)

Broken by Victoria Flynn (The Voodoo Revival Series Book 3)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 257 KB
Overview: Angela Broussard had never believed in hell, never believed the stories. Her life had always been simple, an uncomplex path now plagued by horror and visions of the madman tangled in her sanity. How can anything ever be the same again?
Arlen Darragh had done many terrible things. The life of an assassin is seldom paved with rose petals, but even his own demons couldn’t keep him away from the broken creature with the golden hair and haunted eyes.
Nothing was or ever would be simple again. How can Angela trust a man shrouded in death and secrets? How can she put aside the nightmares long enough to recognize what may potentially be her saving grace? And can Arlen tame the past racing to catch up to him and protect the future he could see when she was in his arms?

Together, the pair has the potential to change the world or deepen the fractures in their souls.
Genre: Romance


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