Download Broken by Katrina Stephens (.ePUB) (.MOBI)

Broken by Katrina Stephens (Through My Eyes #1)
Requirements: ePUB MOBI Reader, 930 Kb
Overview: When life doesn’t go to plan and everything feels as if it’s all falling apart, do you give up and go home, or do you find the smallest hint of drive in you to get up and keep going?
The past can have a flow on effect on your future, but it doesn’t necessarily have to define or stop you from finding happiness again or from pursuing your dreams.
I dedicate this book to anyone that has ever lost a loved one, or ever felt like giving up. Keep pushing on, there’s a light at the end of the tunnel.
The first book depicts Anna’s past, and her struggles to deal with loss and grief.
Anna’s future is uncertain, she must now make her own choices for the life she wants to live. A story that many can relate to, and a story of growing up alot quicker that everybody else.
Anna’s life is pretty perfect, until her life is turned upside down by events that will change her life forever.
Left to pick up the remaining pieces of her life, and tormented and overwhelmed about moving forward. Will Anna give up on her dreams?
Consoled by her best friend Melissa, Anna begins to patch her life back together. However a second blow threatens to derail Anna’s future. Will Anna have what it takes to persevere on?
Katrina’s much anticipated follow up book to this series will venture into Anna’s present day.
Genre: Young Adult Drama


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