Download Brain Death and Disorders of Consciousness by Calixto Machado + (.PDF)

Brain Death and Disorders of Consciousness by Calixto Machado (Editor), D. Alan Shewmon (Editor)
Requirements: .PDF reader, 10.2 MB
Overview: Although some decades have passed, there are still worldwide controversies about a concept of human death on neurological grounds. There are also disagreements on the diagnostic criteria for brain death, whether clinical alone or clinical plus ancillary tests. Moreover, some scholars who were strong defenders of a brain-based standard of death are now favoring a circulatory-respiratory standard. The study of coma is extremely important because lesions of the brain are responsible for quality of life in patients or cause of death. The main goal of Brain Death and Disorders of Consciousness is to provide a suitable scientific platform to discuss all topics related to human death and coma.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Health, Fitness & Medical


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