Download Bracken Ridge Rebels M.C. series by Mackenzy Fox (.ePUB)

Bracken Ridge Rebels M.C. series by Mackenzy Fox (#1-2)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1.8 MB
Overview: Mackenzy Fox is an author of contemporary and steamy themed romance novels. When she’s not writing she loves vegan cooking, walking her beloved pooch’s, reading books and is an expert on online shopping. She’s slightly obsessed with drinking tea, testing bubbly Moscato, watching home decorating shows and has a black belt in origami. She strives to live a quiet and introverted life in Western Australia’s North West with her hubby, twin sister and her dogs.
Genre: Fiction > Romance

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1. Steel
Bracken Ridge Arizona, where the Rebels M.C. rule and the only thing they ride or die for more than their club is their women, this is Steel’s story

I’m not meaning to get involved, really it’s not my fault. I’m the Sergeant at Arms of Bracken Ridge Rebels M.C. and it’s my job to look out for the club, ensure ongoing safety and above all else refrain from violence, where absolutely necessary. I don’t do anything by halves. But that’s before Sienna Morgan waltzed into town acting like she owns the place, and now she does, well the clubhouse at least. One minute I’m sent to extract an offer to give us back what’s rightfully ours, the next she’s on the back of my sled and I’m about to lose my mind. I don’t do romance and I’m not looking for an ol’ lady, but that’s all about to change.
I don’t mean to make her mine, but then again, rules are meant to be broken and I’m on the right side of wrong.

He’s bad. He’s mean. He’s kind of hot in a ‘don’t mess with me’ kind of way. But I’m no fool, I know this town’s run by bikers and I have something they want, something they need. I just never thought it would come to this and I’d be in the middle of a mess I may not be able to get out of. The more I try to run the closer he gets. I don’t know if I can keep resisting but my own haunted past lurks in the shadows, ready to pounce if I let it. I fear Steel may become an addiction but I can’t let that happen, I can’t let him get too close because if I do, he may just break me in half for good.

2. Gunner
Bracken Ridge Arizona, where the Rebels M.C. rule and the only thing they ride or die for more than their club is their women, this is Gunner’s story

Gunner: She’s always been there, it’s not like I haven’t noticed, I have. I wanted her once, long ago, but it’s forbidden, she’s off limits, a club sister, Steel’s sister. The more I try not to think of her or want to touch her, the more I can’t stop. She’s under my skin. Clawing at my heart. I know I have to stay away but she’s like forbidden fruit, the one thing I can’t have and the sinner in me wants to corrupt her in every way I can; taint her like only I know how. And I will, at least for a while. I always get what I want. Always. Even if it means breaking hearts.

Lily: He’s within reach but always so far away. For the longest time I’ve watched and waited, admired him, ached for him, all from a distance. But now my time has come. It’s now or never. He’s all wrong for me, I know that. I’ve always known, but it doesn’t stop me wanting him, it never will. The question is, can my heart ever recover or beat again the same way when he’s finished with me? Or will I live to regret laying my heart on the line and baring my soul to the one man who has the power to shatter me forever.

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