Download Borrowed Magic by Stephanie Foxe (.ePUB)

Borrowed Magic by Stephanie Foxe (Witch’s Bite Series Book 1)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 171 KB
Overview: A witch with a troubled past and a dangerous secret…
And bills to pay.
Peddling legal potions isn’t enough, so Olivia Carter works for the vampires now. She heals the people they feed on and does her best to avoid any trouble. She has a new boyfriend, a place to live (pay no mind to the rats living under the porch), and a cauldron for every occasion. Building a life in a new town isn’t easy, but Olivia is doing alright.
When the police show up at her door trying to pin a murder on her employer, and then her, she’ll have to risk everything to save her only friend and her future.
All magic has a price. Are you willing to pay it?
Genre: Sci Fi/Fantasy


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