Download Born in Magic by Gorg Huff & Paula Goodlett (.ePUB)

Born in Magic by Gorg Huff & Paula Goodlett (Cordelia Cooper #1)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 400 kB
Overview: Anoria’s teacher and adoptive mother Cordelia Cooper wasn’t always the powerful and dangerous wizard we met in Anoria. She started out as a poor village girl who didn’t understand her gift of magic. She was given to a half trained charlatan of a book wizard. Rojer Cartwright had no intention of teaching Cordelia any more magic than he had to to get her to make and charge magical items for him.

Cordelia found herself Rojer’s prisoner as they took ship for the Orclands. On the ship she met and befriended the Brooks family. Using a hidden spellbook, Cordelia tried to learn not just magic but how to read.

In the Orclands, Rojer drags Cordelia with him into danger and the real possibility of being sacrificed to an Orc god. But with the help of the Brooks, Cordelia gets an opportunity to go to the College of Wizardry at Kronisburg. There will be still more adventures before she can get down to studying Wizardry. That’s just the way it is when you’re Born in Magic.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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