Download Bonds Eternal by Isla Monet (.ePUB)

Bonds Eternal by Isla Monet (The Flowers of Eden Book 2)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 426 kb
Overview: Gabby’s pregnancy isn’t as private an affair as she’d like it to be. The vampire family hosting her makes it clear she’s there for one purpose only: to provide the clan with an heir.

Succubi aren’t accustomed to not having their way, in love, or in life, and Gabby is learning the hard way that the part they have the least control over is also the most intimate subject of their lives; the children they carry.

She has four months, until the start of her third trimester, to finalize her rights as a parent.

The only thing standing in her way is a family of vampires with their own host of secrets.
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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