Download Boldly Live! by Richard Raben, Hiyaguha Cohen (.ePUB)(.MOBI)

Boldly Live! Empowerment Lessons from Star Trek by Richard Raben, Hiyaguha Cohen (Trek Factor #2)
Requirements: EPUB, MOBI Reader, 1.9 MB
Overview: Activate the Warrior within–with help from Star Trek! You CAN stand up for yourself, ask for what you need, and keep your friends at the same time. Boldly Live! Empowerment Lessons from Star Trek explores what it means to be a true Warrior within and without, using the Warriors from Star Trek, like Worf, as role models.You won’t just read about how to be heroic in this book. You’ll actually practice being an inner Warrior, starting by watching clips of exemplary Warriors from Star Trek as they stand up for themselves, so you can model your behavior after theirs. You’ll also complete 12 powerful exercises that will help you to look, think, and act like a true Warrior when the need arises.
Genre: Non Fiction, Self-Help


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