Download Body Rock series by Nora Flite (.ePUB)

Body Rock series by Nora Flite (Books 1 & 3)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 420 kb
Overview: Nora Flite is inspired by the complicated events and wild experiences of her own life, she wants to share those stories with her audience. Born in the tiniest state, coming from what was essentially dirt, she’s learned to embrace and appreciate every opportunity the world gives her. She’s also, possibly, addicted to coffee and sushi. Not at the same time, of course.
Genre: Romance, New Adult

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1. Hard Body Rock: She thought she was stepping into fame: Meeting Drezden Halifax should have been a dream. But dreams are supposed to be sweet, fragile things that whisk you away. Not monsters crafted from hard fingers, gritty vocal cords and a voice so powerful it could tear my guts right out. Maybe my heart, too. Becoming the guitarist for Four and a Half Headstones was everything I needed. Too bad the band’s lead singer is doing his best to ruin everything I am. He thought she would solve his troubles: Lola Cooper, god damn Lola Cooper. She was the perfect guitarist, fingers that could summon a sweet song or punch a chord. She’s supposed to save my band, make us come out of this tour in one piece… But I just want to tear HER to pieces. No one should make me feel this way. One look at her, one smell, and I knew I’d have to have her. She does things to me that scare the shit out of me. Make me want to slam her on a wall and listen to her cries: eager or fearful, it doesn’t matter. I’m a monster… And I don’t even care.

3. Flawed Body Rock: She wanted to be a rockstar: I finally have everything. Fame, presence, the world knows who I am. Now my life is even harder. What do you do when every eye watching you is full of jealous hate? I’m strong enough to not let strangers hurt me… But when it’s my own brother, the stakes change entirely. He just wanted her to himself: My claws are in her, but I’m trapped, too. Waking up, my first thoughts used to be about music. Lola’s changed all of that. She consumes my dreams; my existence. My band… the girl I’m obsessed with… Is there room in this world for both of them? If not, which do I choose?

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Book 2: viewtopic.php?f=1292&t=714492

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