Download Blossom Family series by Betsy Byars (.ePUB)

Blossom Family series by Betsy Byars (#1-5)
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Overview: Betsy Byars has written over sixty books for young people. Her first published in 1962 and since then she has published regularly. Her books have been translated into nineteen languages and she gets thousands of letters from readers in the United States and from all over the world.
Genre: Children | Fiction


The Not-Just-Anybody Family (Blossom Family #1) – When Junior Blossom wakes up in the hospital, his last memory is of crouching on the barn roof with cloth wings tied to his arms, and of Maggie and Vern in the yard below, urging him to fly. That had been just before Junior spotted a police car approaching the farm in a cloud of dust. Meanwhile Pap, the children’s grandfather, sits in disgrace in the city jail. He was arrested for disturbing the peace after his pickup truck accidentally dumped 2,147 beer and soda cans (worth $107.35) on Spring Street.
With their mother away on the rodeo circuit, it’s up to Maggie and Vern to find a way to rescue Pap and Junior. How will they solve their family problems?

The Blossoms Meet the Vulture Lady (Blossom Family #2) – What’s Junior Blossom up to this time? When we first met Junior in The Not-Just-Anybody Family, he was trying to fly with his homemade wings. Now, having recovered from two broken legs, he’s ready to startle the world by inventing the best coyote trap ever. But Junior’s great ideas have a way of backfiring. Like his wings, his trap leads him into disaster. He soon finds himself in a dark cave with Mad Mary, the vulture lady, who eats varmint stew. Meanwhile, the rest of the Blossom family sets out to search for the missing young inventor. They find the trap, but where’s Junior?

The Blossoms and the Green Phantom (Blossom Family #3) – Junior Blossom has finally created the ultimate invention–the Green Phantom. It’s big, black, Day-Glo green, and it’s beautiful! All it needs is the secret ingredient. The whole family makes a promise to ensure that Junior’s invention will be a success, a Blossom promise that can never be broken. Family and friends gather to launch the Green Phantom, but where are Pap and his dog, Mud? They wouldn’t break a Blossom promise unless they were in serious trouble….

A Blossom Promise (Blossom Family #4) – For the Blossom family it’s the best day of their lives — and the worst. Maggie, out west with her mother, is about to become the newest Blossom on the rodeo circuit. And now that the rain has finally stopped, Junior can at last visit his friend Mad Mary in her cave in the woods.These two weeks of rain have been like an answer to a prayer for Vern and his friend Michael. Together they planned and built a perfect raft, and now, with everyone out watching the waters rise over the banks of the Snake River, they’re sure their great voyage downstream will be witnessed with cheers.

Wanted… Mud Blossom (Blossom Family #5) – The Blossom family has an especially eventful weekend during which Junior Blossom loses the school hamster and Pap’s dog Mud is put on trial for the hamster’s murder!

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