Download Blood Prince series (3-5) by Jennifer Blackstream (.ePUB)

Blood Prince series (3-5) by Jennifer Blackstream
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Overview: Jennifer Blackstream is a USA Today bestselling author of urban fantasy and paranormal romance. She is amazed and grateful to have made a writing career out of a Master’s degree in Psychology, hours of couch-detecting watching Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries, and endless research into mythology and fairy tales. She firmly believes that whether it’s a village witch deciding she wants to be a private investigator, or a single mother having a go at being a full time writer, it’s never too late for a new adventure.
Genre: Fantasy > Romance, Paranormal


Golden Stair (Blood Prince #3): An enchanted prince’s demonic appetite has barred him from true love…until now.
Rapunzel yearns to leave her tower…but that first step is a doozy.
A hasty vow to a goddess condemned Adonis to never marry.
A cruel witch robbed Ivy of the world outside her tower.
Love could bring their lonely existences to an end…if they dare to risk the fall.
An evil witch does not willingly give up the power she’s spent a lifetime building, and she’s ready to do whatever it takes to keep her stolen daughter locked away. Despite the danger, Adonis and Ivy are drawn together like phoenixes to flame—and if they’re not careful, they’ll both burn.

Divine Scales (Blood Prince #4): Prince Charming is about to see how the other half lives.
The underwater half…
A curse has rendered angelic prince Patricio unable to tell true love from the spell-induced adoration that infects those around him.
Now that same curse has lured the mermaid Marcela out of the water to find him.
Will he realize she broke his curse…before he breaks her heart?
Arrogance and curses aren’t their only problems either. Another woman wants Patricio for her own—by any means necessary. With her sinful sorcery hidden behind an impenetrable cloak of righteous piety, she’s the perfect angel bait.
Passion charges the air between Marcela and Patricio, but how can they trust their desire when so much magic has muddied the waters?

Beautiful Salvation (Blood Prince #5): The haunted prince gave up half his divine power to save her life.
But if Sleeping Beauty never wakes, then all he’s done is doom them both…
Saamal is a god who’s gone double or nothing on his kingdom’s future.
A curse holds Princess Aiyana, his bride to be, trapped in the Dreamworld—but that’s not the only darkness standing between them.
Saamal turned away from a history of blood sacrifices, tempted by a prophecy that promised another way to keep his kingdom alive. But in a land as alive and hungry as any predator, sacrifices that aren’t given will soon be taken by force. And his jilted lover would rather see the land eat its prince than let him fall into the arms of another.
His salvation comes in the form of a woman made fearsome and inhuman by his own desperate attempt to save their world. She is the future, the one who will make everything right.
If only he could wake her up…

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Book #1: Here
Book #2: Here
Book #6: Here
Book #7: Here

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