Download Blood and Sun Series by Michael Brown (.ePUB)+

Blood and Sun Series (1-2) by Michael Brown
Requirements: ePUB / MOBI /AZW Reader, 1.4MB
Overview: Dear readers, this is Michael Brown. Got my major in Tourism and Hospitality but it’s no longer my thing. As a person having interested in sci-fi and fantasy literature since being a kid, so one day I thought, "Hey, why not do something related to what I like?" and here I am.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy

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#1 – Adriela – The Beginning
In the near future, after the earth went through an incident.
‘Eating light’ becomes the difference between a long life and a calculated death.
Adriela, a software programmer, counts herself lucky to be among the few who have a generous life span compared to the major. After being offered to join a program designed to help the unlucky dying population from an unknown condition. Adriela, accidentally discovered a fact that the society and Zeta, the saviour corporation of humanity are held together by two nimble strings; Lies and Deceptions.

Either to expose the evil plan that perpetuate a deadly cycle or to watch as her family and the rest of humanity suffer for eternity. The decision is in her hand.

Who would think that light could be such a heavy meal?

#2 – Tarun – The Reunion
In a not so far futuristic society, where Tarun Kota, an osteologist has lived his good life, so far. Working for the government on important bone tissue engineering research, he makes a decent earning and has a life forecast most people in the district would envy. Everything seems to be going well for him, until he receives a strange phone call from his younger sister, Adriela, one month after her first blood test.

Armed only with some unbelievable information from a brief encounter with his sister. The atmosphere started to be filled up with distrusts and doubts. He later found himself on the run from the powerful evil alliance between the government and a gigantic evil corporation, unwantedly. The siblings are separated.

To trust or not to trust, the one and only family member he has left?
The safety of the two and possibly many others, rely upon his decision.

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