Download Blockchain Basics by Lee Sebastian (.MP3)

Blockchain Basics: A Simple Non-Technical Blockchain Book by Lee Sebastian (Author), John Fleming (Narrator)
Requirements: .MP3 reader, 45.8 MB
Overview: Simple non-technical descriptive introductory book about blockchain and its sweeping effect on traditional industries and technology.

Every business and person should know what this technology is and how it works fundamentally. Blockchain is a distributed ledger technology that has many applications, such as finance, security, banking, insurance, transportation companies, and much more. The truth is, blockchain can become a core fundamental component to all industries in the near future, similar to how the Internet evolved over last 15 years.

Knowing and understanding the basics of blockchain technology is important to any modern individual, investor, or business person.

This book is about the basics of blockchain technology and its applications, especially in cryptocurrency, and more importantly, how it will eventually make a difference in your everyday life.

Start with the basics. It’s all the non-technical person needs to know for now.
Genre: Audiobooks > Non-Fiction


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