Download Blessed are Those Who Weep by Kristi Belcamino (.ePUB)

Blessed are Those Who Weep by Kristi Belcamino (Gabriella Giovanni Mystery #3)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 422 KB
Overview: San Francisco Bay Area reporter Gabriella Giovanni stumbles onto a horrific crime scene with only one survivor—a baby girl found crawling between the dead bodies of her family members. Reeling from the slaughter, Gabriella clings to the infant. When Social Services pries the little girl from her arms, the enormity of the tragedy hits home. Diving deep into a case that brings her buried past to the forefront, Gabriella is determined to hunt down the killer who left this helpless baby an orphan.

But one by one the clues all lead to a dead end, and Gabriella’s obsession with finding justice pulls her into a dark, tortuous spiral that is set to destroy everything she loves …
Genre: Mystery


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