Download Blaise: Doppelganger 3000 by Alice Coldbreath (.ePUB)

Blaise by Alice Coldbreath (A Doppelganger 3000 Novel)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 154 KB
Overview: The year is 2099. Blaise Calvus is a battle-scarred ex-slave ex-gladiator who can’t wait to leave Nova-Byzan for the Outworlds where he can escape the confines of the Republic and start to build a future away from his troubled past. Before he boards the starship he gets an outrageous proposal from Crispus Pomponious owner of the notorious Pleasure Palace… Impersonate a top-of-the-range sex droid for his old master’s daughter Poppaea Severanius and make a small fortune to take with him… Blaise is torn, on one hand he has a slow-burning anger in the pit of his stomach that he would even consider being pimped out to another rich bitch but there is something else… The sweet memory of lush Poppaea, so plump and pretty with her huge violet eyes. Suddenly he finds himself seriously giving it some thought.

Poppaea Severanius has spent the last two years disbanding her father’s old Gladiatorial Ludus, freeing all his slaves and donating the family wealth to charity. Before she dedicates herself to chastity, poverty and the service of others she has one last unquenchable desire to indulge… her ultimate fantasy. Blaise.
Genre: Fiction > Erotic


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