Download Blackest Gold Series by R. Scarlett (.ePUB)

Blackest Gold Series by R. Scarlett (2-4)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 3.5 MB, 1.1 MB
Overview:R. Scarlett lives in a small quaint town in Southern Ontario, Canada and has an unhealthy obsession with mythology and romance.
Genre: Romance


2. Body of the Crime – Never trust a demon.
Never trust your heart. And never trust the woman who holds it. In Body of the Crime, a beast craved a beauty and oh, how she ravaged him.

3. A Vow of Thorns – Never disobey the court.Never disobey the crown.And never tame that vicious heart.In A Vow of Thorns, sacred laws are broken when a beauty holds an iron heart.

4. To Crown A Beast – She tasted his sweetness, his power, and his love, and it destroyed him.
That iron heart has turned to ashes, leaving only a heartless beast.One she vows to tame.One she vows to save.Before he rips her own heart out.

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4. To Crown A Beast

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