Download Black Knight by Svetlana Ivanova (.ePUB)(.MOBI)

Black Knight by Svetlana Ivanova
Requirements: .ePUB, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 1.37 MB
Overview: Antonina Black, or just Nina, is a wise-mouthed but wounded girl. After leaving her homeland Russia, she is sent to live with her aunt in America. Nina tries to adjust to a new life with her homophobic cousins and American high school. But then things begins to take a new turn when the enigmatic Allecra Knight, a blonde mystery who seems to bring Nina’s day both the sunshine and dark storm.

There is a spark of something unusual between them, but it comes with an underlying cost. Allecra Knight has a secret and a big one at that. There is something different about her that fascinates Nina but at the same time terrifies her. Will she prefer a normal peaceful existence or find the courage to explore the unknown?
Genre: Fiction > Romance (FF/MM) > FF > Science Fiction


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