Download Bitten by the Vampire by Emerson Rosewood (.ePUB)

Bitten by the Vampire: Pride and Prejudice Reimagined by Emerson Rosewood
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 650 KB
Overview: I may safely promise you never to dance with such a vampire.

Though not one-and-twenty, Elizabeth Bennet has shifted not once during a full moon, and even her youngest sister Lydia, a stout, well-grown lycan of fifteen, has already done so dozens of times.

In the prosperous supernatural community in and around Harrowshire, the Bennets hope to find mates for their five daughters to temper their full-moon madness and effect Lizzy’s shift. Mrs. Bennet will take anyone with an Arcane Acclivity of no less than four. Mr. Bennet is delighted as long as they are lycanthropes.

Too bad the new occupants at Nethermoor are vampires, potent preternaturals though they may be.
Genre: Fiction > Romance Paranormal


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