Download Billionaires in Disguise: Maxence Series by Blair Babylon (.ePUB)+

Billionaires in Disguise: Maxence Series (1-5) by Blair Babylon
Requirements: ePUB / MOBI Reader, 5.5MB | Retail
Overview: Blair Babylon is the nom de plume of an award-winning, USA Today-bestselling author who used to publish literary fiction. Because professional reviews of her other fiction usually included the caveat that there was too much deviant sex and too much interesting plot, she decided to abandon all literary pretensions, let her freak flag fly, and write hot, sexy, erotic romance.
Genre: Fiction > Romance | Suspense

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#1 – Rogue
Maxence’s brother was trying to kidnap or kill him, and an organized crime thug wanted to cut off Max’s head and feed it to the sharks for entirely different reasons.

So, when a cute little blonde stood up on a barstool in the middle of the Buddha Bar in Paris and drew the attention of the wrong sort of guys, Maxence swooped in for the rescue. Everything about her appealed to him: her sweetness, her giggliness, and especially the fact that she was in trouble.

That last part made her sugar and catnip to Max.

Luckily, he only had five days before he left Paris and Europe for wherever his global charity job was going to send him this time.

Why not spend it with the funny blonde who insisted he lie to her?

Indeed, if she thought everything he said was a lie, he could confess his sins, unburden his soul, and reveal what he thought he never could.

Five days with her sounded like Heaven, if he could just convince her to stop throwing him out of her hotel room.

My life has become a sad country music song, but instead of heading south, I went to Paris.

I was a good girl who had nothing left to lose, literally. My boyfriend had stolen everything.

Everything except a non-refundable plane ticket to Paris, which was supposed to be the trip of a lifetime where that deadbeat was going to propose at the top of the Eiffel Tower.

So, I got on the plane without him.

After all that, it was understandable that when I started drinking at the Buddha Bar, things got a little out of hand.

Luckily, a man intervened. He was so ripped that I could see every thick muscle of his abs, obliques, chest, and arms through the tight tee shirt he was wearing. He towered over the guys who were bothering me, and they backed off.

I took him back to my hotel because I was full of drunken, bad decisions that night.

The last thing I needed was a man who wanted to save me when I was trying to do all the wrong things.

#2 – Order
Dree Clark thought tall, ripped, thoroughly hot Augustine was her knight in shining armor, until she discovered he was her priest.

Where’s the last place in the world murderous drug dealers from Phoenix would look for a girl who owes them money?


Dree is on the run. Her dead ex-boyfriend owes a whole lot of money to some drug dealers, and if they can’t get the cash from Dree, they’ll take it out of her hide. When Catholic Charities offers Dree a mission into the far reaches of Nepal because they need a nurse, Dree jumps at the opportunity and prays she’ll be safe.

Until she meets the Catholic priest who’ll be leading the mission.

It’s Augustine, the sexy guy from Paris.

But he has a new name, Father Maxence Grimaldi.

Well, she’d told him to lie to her.

She just never thought he’d lie about being a priest.

Now, she’s journeying far out into the wilds with the hot priest.

And oh God, they’re riding motorcycles, and he’s wearing black leather with a priest’s collar.

And there aren’t enough darned tents to go around.

She’s not going to be able to keep her hands off him.

#3 – Prince
Giving away a billion dollars shouldn’t be this hard.

Maxence saved Dree Clark from some bad guys in a Parisian bar, then he turned up on a charity mission to Nepal, so how the heck is he the Prince of Monaco?

Or, well, not the prince. A prince. He’s the not head honcho because Monaco doesn’t have a sovereign prince right now. But it needs one.

Maxence is the next person in line for the throne, but he doesn’t want it. He doesn’t want anything to do with it. But other people do want the throne and the billions in wealth that go with it, people with evil agendas or who just want the money. Max is the only guy who stands in their way.

And good people seem to be in short supply.

Plus, he’s constantly distracted by the constant thorn in his side Dree Clark, who he’s conscripted to be his new secretary. Her curves drive him out of his mind, and her sweet soul is more than he’s ever hoped for. He wants to chase her around the desk and then run away with her to somewhere safe.

Because Monaco is anything but safe for Prince Maxence.

#4 – Royal
Her ex-boyfriend was supposed to propose in Paris, but instead, he swindled her out of every penny she had. Now, the hottest man she’s ever seen has an indecent proposal to get her on her feet, and on her back, and on her knees.

#5 – Reign
For one moment, Maxence had everything he wanted. The love of his life, Dree Clark, had said yes, Monaco was secure, and his future was clear and bright.

For just one moment.

Now, Maxence stares into the darkness of the barrel of an assault rifle hovering inches from his face, and he prays he can save Dree’s life.

"Run," he tells her, but she won’t leave him.

Maxence thought he would REIGN in Monaco as the sovereign prince with Dree by his side, but now he’s fighting for both their lives.

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