Download Beyond the Pale by EJ Wood (.ePUB)+

Beyond the Pale: How far would you go for love? by EJ Wood
Requirements: .ePUB, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 1 MB
Overview: The compelling psychological romantic thriller debut novel from author EJ Wood.

When Forensic Pathologist Amelia Sharpe moves to Washington, D.C. she introduces herself to the successful enigmatic man that moves in next door; Guy Davidson.

But, terrors from her past resurface and she finds herself seeking answers. Tormented by her inner demons and Guy’s need to control, their lives take an unexpected turn posing challenges neither of them anticipate.

When a step too far is taken, Guy takes the law into his own hands and just when Amelia feels that she really does have it all, both Guy and Amelia find out just how far they are willing to go to in the name of love.
Genre: Fiction > Mystery/Thriller


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