Download Beyond the Blaze series by B. B. Hartwich (.ePUB)(.MOBI)

Beyond the Blaze series by B. B. Hartwich (#1-2)
Requirements: .ePUB, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 727 KB
Overview: Beyond the Blaze is not just a tale of heroism and sacrifice. It is a story of love that defies the boundaries of life and death, an exploration of spiritual awakening, and a profound journey into the soul of a hero. Here, in the space between breaths, Michael discovers the true extent of his impact on the world he left behind and the one he has come to inhabit.

Join Michael as he explores the ethereal landscapes of the afterlife, where each revelation brings him closer to understanding the ultimate purpose of his journey—an odyssey not just of survival, but of profound transformation.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy

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Beyond the Blaze: Book 1
In the lingering shadows of a world gripped by fear and uncertainty, one man’s destiny is set ablaze. Michael Winters—firefighter, hero, and unwitting traveler through the veils of existence—never thought his life would pivot on the edge of a flame. But as he confronts a fire that rages fiercer than any he has ever faced, the lines between life, death, and what lies beyond begin to blur.

Beyond the Blaze thrusts you into the harrowing night when Michael’s world is irrevocably changed. Amid the chaos of a global pandemic and the heat of unrelenting fires, he saves lives, risking his own in a dance with destiny that transcends the physical world. When a desperate rescue turns into an unexpected journey through the afterlife, Michael is thrust into a realm where time holds no sway, and the mysteries of existence unfold in ways he never could have imagined.

With each step into the unknown, Michael encounters celestial beings who challenge him to understand the weight of his life’s actions and the echoes they leave behind. As he navigates this bewildering new existence, the memories of his earthly bonds—his love, his losses, and his undying commitment to saving others—forge his path forward.

Beyond the Blaze: Book 2
In the enthralling sequel to "Beyond the Blaze," destiny calls to our hero, transforming him from a lone wanderer into a pivotal leader bound by fate to the mystical lands he must protect and the beloved companions by his side. As ancient darkness stirs, threatening the peace of the realm with arcane curses and shadowy secrets, the line between external battles and internal struggles blurs.

Our protagonist confronts not only formidable foes wielding dark magic but also faces his deepest fears, revealing a dual quest for power and self-discovery. With every challenge overcome and secret unearthed, he steps closer to understanding the true strength that comes from within.

As he navigates a path fraught with moral complexities and alliances, themes of redemption, unity, and legacy weave through the narrative. Each decision he makes not only shapes his destiny but also the cultural tapestry of a world where every heart beats with stories of old and new.

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