Download Beyond Infinity by Eugenia Cheng (.MP3)

Beyond Infinity: An Expedition to the Outer Limits of Mathematics by Eugenia Cheng, Moira Quirk (Narrator)
Requirements: .MP3 reader, 206.7MB
Overview: Understanding the concept of infinity is a lofty task, but this creative and easy-to-follow book helps break down all the mathematic complexities so anyone can gain a better understanding of the universe.

How big is the universe? How many numbers are there? And is infinity + 1 is the same as 1 + infinity? Such questions occur to young children and our greatest minds. And they are all the same question: What is infinity?

In Beyond Infinity, Eugenia Cheng takes us on a staggering journey from elemental math to its loftiest abstractions. Along the way, she considers how to use a chessboard to plan a worldwide dinner party, how to make a chicken-sandwich sandwich, and how to create infinite cookies from a finite ball of dough. Beyond Infinity shows how one little symbol holds the biggest idea of all.
Genre: Audiobooks > Non-Fiction


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