Download Bewitched by the Bear Series by V. Vaughn (.ePUB)

Bewitched by the Bear Series by V. Vaughn (#1, #3)
Requirements: .ePUB Reader | 141 KB, 168 KB
Overview: V. Vaughn is the pen name for Violet Vaughn, a USA Today Bestselling author. Violet lives in New Hampshire and spends almost every day walking through the woods. She may have seen a bear once or twice..
Genre: Romance, Paranormal

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Book #1 – Wildest Bear
Clan witch Tally knows she’s fortunate to have married Marcel. Before the alpha of the Ouellette clan allowed it, witch and werebear relationships were strictly forbidden. And now she realizes there may have been a very good reason for the rule. Their toddler twins are shifting in a clan where that doesn’t happen until after puberty. And it’s taking place in a world full of humans who don’t know werebear exist.
While Tally could try to use magic to control her children until they’re old enough to understand the implication of spontaneous shifting, it’s not foolproof. And it’s not a chance she’s willing to take, because the humans who do know werebear exist want them wiped off the planet. Now that Tally and Marcel’s twins are a danger to the clan, Tally must find a way to keep everyone safe. But she fears that because her children are half werebear being a witch might not be enough.

Book #3 – Bad Bear
Dawn let the allure of a snow-covered world convince her to leave sunny Florida to step in for her mother as the new Veilleux clan witch, but the harsh reality of sub-zero temperatures in Maine is making her search for a way out. Until she meets Lance, a werebear with a smoldering-hot gaze that makes heat rush all the way to her toes. Suddenly, cuddling up by the fire with him makes her see winter in a new light. When the exit plan Dawn set in motion makes her mother come for a visit, black magic grabs the opportunity to bring back an evil villain, and Dawn has to fight for more than life with her soul mate Lance… she needs to save the clan.

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