Download Between Heaven and Hell 2 by Dante King (.ePUB)

Between Heaven and Hell 2 by Dante King
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 409 KB
Overview: A vacation in Scotland sounded nice. Exactly the kind of thing where my girlfriend Jasmine and I could let off some steam after learning the supernatural existed and completing our first mission for a supernatural agency.

But there really is no rest for the wicked.

Along with Breeze, our friendly (and beautiful) warlock companion, Jasmine and I get tagged by a group calling themselves the Family. But I’m not the kind of man to shaft my current employer for a bigger paycheck and a promise to “change the world”. Besides, this Family organization reeks like a do-gooder cult that’s one eclipse away from mass funerals.

Little did I know just how deep their ties run. To heaven and back, some might say.

The last mission was infernal, and this one is looking to be a little higher on the spectrum. But one thing’s for sure – everything I thought I knew about heaven is about to change.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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