Download Betrayal by Moonlight by Aislinn Grey (.MOBI)

Betrayal by Moonlight (Awbrey Pack #1) by Aislinn Grey
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 3.1 MB
Overview: Hestia Brennan was content to explore the world in the company of books. Surrounded by history and art, until she met Eban. He offered her a life filled with adventure and helped melt away the loneliness that had followed her in the years since her father passed. This new life also came with a world she hadn’t been expecting, one filled with shifters that she quickly dives into without a second thought. Hess is willing to accept the dangers with Eban at her side. Eban proposes and brings her home to his cold family, where she meets his elder brother and Alpha, Rory.

Hess desires nothing more than to shove Rory from the fourth floor of his sprawling family estate, while Rory remains puzzled at his inability to reign in the wolfling’s obstinate temperament. Meanwhile, Eban, the man Hess swore to love begins to change, and she discovers the world Eban built up for her is not what it seems. The werewolves surrounding her may not be the monsters he painted them to be, and even more confusing, she feels drawn to Rory and can’t escape the mysteries surrounding the Awbrey Pack and a curse that may take her life before her turn at the next full moon.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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