Download Beginnings Series (#28-29) by Jacqueline Druga (.ePUB)+

Beginnings Series by Jacqueline Druga (#28-29)
Requirements: ePUB | MOBI Reader, 1.0 MB
Overview: Jacqueline Druga is a native of Pittsburgh, Pa. She is a prolific writer and filmmaker. Her published works include genres of all types, but favors post-apocalypse and apocalypse writing. Currently she is in production of her third full-length feature film in which she has written and is producing. A single mother of four, Jacqueline is also a musician. She resides in a small town outside of Pittsburgh with her family. Of all her accomplishments, Jacqueline is most proud of being a grandmother. Her grandchildren reside with her and are the light of her life.
Genre: Science Fiction > Dystopian | Post-Apocalyptic

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Escape the Planet of the LEPS (#28)
After successfully rigging the time machine to capture Frank’s would-be assassin, the Slagel Brothers follow him through and end up a thousand years in the future in a world turned upside down.

Unknown to them, time runs parallel in the future to time in Beginnings and their disappearance is hard to explain. That is, until, a mysterious stranger spices things up.

Escape from the Planet of the LEPS takes the reader on a roller coaster ride of emotions they soon will not forget.

Aftermath (#29)
Following a trip a thousand years into the future, a series of events unfold that leaves those in Beginnings speechless.

Nothing will ever be the same and the people of Beginnings struggle to cope with a loss that is greater than they imagined.

Is the tragic death truly a sign that the Great War has begun or has the war been thwarted and replaced with something bigger?

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