Download Because You’re Mine by Avery Kaye (.ePUB)

Because You’re Mine by Avery Kaye (Billionaire Insta-Love #6)
Requirements: .ePUB Reader, 451 kb
Overview: I didn’t need a wife.
Yes, I married a woman I’ve never met. And get this: she’s an ex-nun (lucky me, right?). But I owe her brother a favor, one I won’t ever be able to repay. And so, expecting a stiff prude, I’m far from thrilled when I come home after being stationed in Qatar for a year…
Until I see her.
And touch her.
And taste her.
This little woman (with a body built for sin) is not the Sister Mary Grace I was expecting. Suddenly having a wife isn’t so bad. She may have been sheltered since she turned eighteen. She may be innocent and inexperienced. But that’s good. Because that means I’m the only man who gets to introduce her to the wicked delights of desire…
Warning: This campy, hot, but sweet story of insta-love and proxy marriage is no literary masterpiece. Plot? Yeah, there isn’t much of one: guy meets girl, they fall in (insta) love and live HEA. Characters? He’s rich, powerful and uber-alpha (Mine, mine, mine! This woman is mine!). She’s innocent and inexperienced. Nothing groundbreaking there either. But the sexy times…? Ahhhh, those sexy times. Sizzling, deliciously-naughty fun!
Genre: Romance/New Adult


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