Download Beards and Books by Heather Lauren (.ePUB)(.AZW3)

Beards and Books: Man Of The Month Club- September by Heather Lauren (Starlight Bay Book 9)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 553 kb
Overview: In a small town like Starlight Bay, you’d best pick your bride in childhood, or you’ll end up chasing tail in the counties nearby. I was one of the lucky ones and fell hard at first sight. Octavia Stephens was my best friend since we were both in diapers, but when her folks split, I couldn’t very well get down on one knee at eight years old…although I thought about it.

Now that once little girl who played as rough as the boys is all woman, with sexy curves and pinup style dresses that tighten my jeans. Still, it’s too late for a chance at those childhood dreams now. My time in the Army solidified me a bachelor. I don’t bother dating anymore because I know I’m no prince charming. I’m nothing but a dirty, grease monkey anyhow, spending all my energy running my family’s garage and keeping to myself. The fact my heart hasn’t forgotten it belongs to Octavia is a constant pull on my restraint to keep my hands off. It doesn’t help that the sunny librarian keeps popping up in my life. Is this the world’s way of giving us another chance, or will everything blow up in my face when she realizes she’s way too good for me and this tiny town?
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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