Download Beakers Series by Edward W. Robertson (.ePUB)

Beakers Series by Edward W. Robertson (Books 0.5-6 & 8 )
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Overview: Ed is the author of the post-apocalyptic Breakers series and the epic fantasy series The Cycle of Arawn. A former New Yorker and Idaho-guy, he currently lives in the LA area. His short fiction has appeared in a whole bunch of magazines and anthologies.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


0.5. Outcome (2013) – Ellie Colson is the only one who believes in the end of the world.
As an agent of the Department of Advance Analysis, she’s one of a handful of people who knows about the spread of a new virus–one she believes will wipe out mankind. With her bosses in denial, she flies to New York to get her ex-fiance Chip to safety.
But he’s already been scooped up and quarantined–and so has his adopted daughter. Pursued by her own agency, Ellie will stop at nothing to break Chip out before the virus claims them all.

1. Breakers (2012)
– In New York, Walt Lawson is about to lose his girlfriend Vanessa. In Los Angeles, Raymond and Mia James are about to lose their house. Within days, none of it will matter.

When Vanessa dies of the flu, Walt is devastated. But she isn’t the last. The virus quickly kills billions, reducing New York to an open grave and LA to a chaotic wilderness of violence and fires. As Raymond and Mia hole up in an abandoned mansion, where they learn to function without electricity, running water, or neighbors, Walt begins an existential walk to LA, where Vanessa had planned to move when she left him. He expects to die along the way.

Months later, a massive vessel appears above Santa Monica Bay. Walt is attacked by a crablike monstrosity in a mountain stream. The virus that ended humanity wasn’t created by humans. It was inflicted from outside. The colonists who sent it are ready to finish the job–and Earth’s survivors may be too few and too weak to resist.

2. Melt Down (2012) – In upstate Idaho, Ness Hook is run out of his mom’s house by his bullying brother Shawn. In Redding, California, Tristan Carter is graduating college, but with no job and no prospects, she’ll have to move back in with her parents.

Then the world ends.

After Ness discovers his best friend dead of disease, Shawn takes their family to the mountains to wait out the plague. As Tristan’s parents fall sick, she’s left to care for her younger brother Alden. Both sets of siblings dig in for the long haul. Humanity is reduced to splinters. And then the creatures who sent the virus appear in the sky.

Flushed from the mountains, Shawn and Ness join a tribe at a nuclear power plant, where they plan to launch a guerrilla war against the invaders. In California, Tristan and Alden are taken prisoner. Separated from her brother, Tristan crosses the ruins of America to track him down. She will stop at nothing to get Alden back–but her fellow survivors prove even more dangerous than the monsters who broke the world.

3. Knifepoint (2013) – Raina was just a girl when the plague came. She survived. Her parents didn’t. Neither did the world. As civilization fell, she took to the ruins of Los Angeles, eating whatever she could catch.

After two years alone, she’s found and adopted by a fisherman and his wife. Their makeshift family lives a quiet life—until a man named Karslaw sails in from Catalina Island with an army of conquerors. Driven by visions of empire, he executes Raina’s new father as a traitor and takes her mother captive.

But Karslaw’s people aren’t the only ones vying for control of the ruined land. As violence wracks the city, Raina joins a rebellion against Karslaw’s rule. She will stop at nothing to free her mother—and to have her revenge.

4. Reapers (2013) – When the plague came, federal agent Ellie Colson fled into the Adirondacks with Dee, the daughter she barely knew. They began a new life as subsistence farmers, isolated from the fall of the world. In the six years since, a small community has arisen from the ashes. Dee is grown up. She’s engaged to Quinn, a young man from across the lake.

And she’s being hunted.

Strangers are spying on the farms at night. Dee’s harassed by a spurned suitor. One of Quinn’s dogs turns up dead. Drawing on her old skills, Ellie launches an investigation of the locals. Turns out Quinn’s dad has made some bad decisions. Some enemies, too. The strangers aren’t after Dee–they’re after Quinn.

When he goes missing, Quinn’s dad fears the worst. But Ellie has a lead. She and Dee track the kidnappers into the post-apocalyptic wilderness of New York–and into darker lands than Ellie could ever imagine.

5. Cut Off (2014) – It’s been six years since the plague and Tristan has spent five of them in Maui with her brother Alden. Life seems quiet. Simple. Peaceful. All these illusions are torn away when she discovers an alien installation hidden in the mountains.

In response, she prepares a boat and starts work on a new home deep in the forest. But the locals don’t appreciate her raiding their town for supplies. Soon, their resentment flares into open war—and draws the attention of the aliens, who bomb the area relentlessly. With their home and lives in ruin, Tristan and Alden flee deep into the jungle of Hana. And discover a secret paradise.

Yet it’s not meant to last. Off the coast of China, Ness and his alien ally Sebastian are tracking an alien conspiracy. Its tendrils will lead them straight to Maui—and pull humanity to the brink of extinction.

6. Captives (2014) – Once, Walt Lawson saved the world. Lately, he’s lived in peaceful anonymity with his girlfriend Carrie. This morning, she’s been kidnapped.

Walt has a single lead: the van that took her. Its trail points him up the coast to San Jose, where survivors have banded together against the gangs who’ve overrun the north. With the aid of a local guide, Walt homes in on the kidnappers, who are days from shipping Carrie far away.

But Walt’s past is about to crash down on his rescue plans. For six years, Thom James has been on the hunt, blaming Walt for the death of his brother Raymond. Now that Walt’s come up for air, Thom finally has a lead—and he won’t stop until he’s put Walt six feet underground.

8. Blackout (2015) – Humanity’s champions have assembled in Los Angeles—and so have the aliens. With a mothership hanging over the city, Raina, Walt, Ness, and Tristan hatch a last-ditch gambit to bring it down—and bring an end to the war once and for all. But if they fail, the Earth will be lost forever.

Book 8 is the final book in the post-apocalyptic BREAKERS series.

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