Download BattleTech: 6 Books by Steven Mohan Jr (.PDF)(.ePUB)

BattleTech: 6 Books by Steven Mohan Jr
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Overview: Steven Mohan, Jr. has professionally published more a half million words of military science fiction including the BattleTech novel A Bonfire of Worlds. He has sold original fiction to markets as diverse as INTERZONE, POLYPHONY, and PARADOX, as well as several DAW original anthologies. His short stories have won honorable mention in THE YEAR’S BEST SCIENCE FICTION and THE YEAR’S BEST FANTASY AND HORROR and he has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


Isle of the Blessed
The Act of Cutting
Isle of the Blessed, Book One begins its publication on BattleCorps. For the last few weeks, you’ve been reading the journals of Robert Doucette and Geoffrey Zucker, NAIS technician and Word of Blake MechWarrior. Now Steven Mohan, Jr. brings their stories to life in this serial companion to Vengeance Gambit. The Third Battle of New Avalon is at hand; whose side are you on?”

The Grain Rebellion Bridge
New Avalon is under siege. The Davion Heavy Guard, defending the capital city, is caught between Demi-Precentor Geoffrey Zucker’s forces in front, and the Grain Rebellion Bridge behind. Can Jonathan Davion escape the Blakists without giving them free run of Avalon City?

Lions and Dogs
The Fox’s Den is under siege. Precentor Ramon Nikolavich, captain of the WarShip Red Angel, lords over New Avalon like a lion over the plains. Joined by a pocket WarShip, Jackson Davion is pinned down. With no aerospace assets in play, his position seems hopeless. What can he do but wait in fear?

A New War
Reinforcements have arrived. The Davion army can, for now, breathe easy. But that won’t help take back the entrenched Blakist forces on New Avalon. It’s time for a new war, an offensive war. But even with their newfound allies, will the Armed Forces of the Federated Suns be able to take back New Avalon? Or much as they had to surrender pride, must they surrender ground?

Clock is Broken
With the Den as little more than an inviting target, the Davions are shifting between backup installations, protecting the command staff as best they can while being mindful of those in control of the high orbital. But not even the best precautions are always enough; on one such shift, Jackson Davion’s caravan is attacked. Can the Marshal evade Zucker’s attack out in the open? Or will he become the Word’s tastiest prize of the New Avalon campaign?

The Book of Lilith
Jackson Davion is still on the loose. But even with Zucker’s machine down, the Blakist forces aren’t giving up. But there’s a greater prize at stake now: they know about the Legionnaire program. Avitue wants both prizes, but knows she can only get one. Which will the Davions choose to preserve, and which will they sacrifice?

Vengeance is always a Gambit. You the players helped decide Jackson Davion’s fate. Did Davion hold out with the help of Project Legion? Or did Avitue and Amaros crush Corean’s secret facility? Find out now, and don’t forget to play in this month’s follow up campaign.

Post-Game Wrap
You’ve played the games, now find out what the results are! —-Jackson Davion has learned the identity of the Blakist commander: Avitue. He’s going to make her pay–but before he does, he has to move his troops to safety.

Fathers and Sons
Father and Son are united again, Patriot and Traitor. But is the enemy of my enemy truly my friend?

A Lord of the Realm
The Blakist assault on Avalon City has been repulsed, and now Jackson Davion’s forces are on the offensive. But before he can maneuver them against Cormarc Falls, he needs to do more than just fight. In order to pull the attack off, he needs to lead. Not just his men… but his generals.

Demi-Precentor Geoffrey Zucker has been tainted in Precentor Avitue’s eyes… in the Word of Blake’s eyes. Having his father locked up in the Blakist base hasn’t helped his case any. But with Avitue’s back up against a wall, she’s forced to offer Zucker one last chance at redemption…

Marshals Davion
Avitue vs. Marshal Jackson Davion. Zucker vs. Marshal Jonathan Davion. Two fights. One prize. If Avitue and Zucker can take out both Marshals Davion, New Avalon will be theirs for the taking. But both men have a nasty habit of surviving when they shouldn’t have…

The Third Battle of New Avalon
Five years of fighting across the planet. Five years of Blakists and Davions, whittling away at one another’s forces. Now it’s all come to a head. Precentor Avitue and Jackson Davion are playing for keeps. What happens today will decide the winner of the war: invaders… or invaded.

A Loyal Son of Terra
Mark Kovachev was ten years old when his mother died in a groundcar crash. He lived with his father, a retired ROM agent, in a rural area in Yakima Valley, Washington (Terra). When he was sixteen years old, the Word of Blake seized Terra. Mike witnessed enemy agents questioning his father about SDS batteries in the valley. When threatened with the prospect of Mark being killed, his father assaulted the armed agent and, together with Mark, slew him but was mortally wounded in turn. The dying father told Mark that no help would be forthcoming on this day, and, handing him his ring, made him promise to survive. Ten years later Adept Epsilon III Mark Kovachev is a Com Guard MechWarrior with the White Lions of the 394th Division (ComStar), preparing to recapture Terra as part of the Case WHITE task force. However, the DropShip carrying him is shot down and barely manages a crash-landing, and the scattered Com Guard forces are finding it harder every day to survive against the surprisingly strong enemy forces. When it becomes clear that the attack has failed and that there are no DropShips or JumpShips to lift them off again, Mark doggedly continues the fight, eventually embracing an enemy Toyama with his battered Nexus and ejecting just before reactor overload, still determined to somehow survive.

A New Game
Unknown invaders have taken Richmond, Tarnby and Idlewind with seemingly little effort and in a very short time, and only rumors and snippets of radio intercepts and BattleROMs have been smuggled out with escaping JumpShips. In a field camp in the rye fields of Komache Fields outside the city of Schwartzstadt on Schwartz, Tai-sa Mark Graham of the Ninth Pesht Regulars awaits the unknown attackers who are now inbound to Schwartz. All of Graham’s planning for the upcoming battle is rendered moot when the attacking DropShips unexpectedly head straight for Schwartzstadt, reducing the defenders’ response time to minutes instead of the expected six to twelve hours. In the ensuing battle against the attacking Clan Smoke Jaguar, Star Colonel Thilla Showers challenges Graham, observing that the defenders have so far adhered to zellbrigen so that she is going to return the courtesy. Graham had in fact instructed his MechWarriors to stick to the one-on-one duels based on what he had learned about the attackers beforehand, in order to stall for time. From Thilla Showers’s viewpoint, Graham behaves honorably so she eventually challenges him to single combat for ownership of the planet and all remaining military forces. Graham gladly obliges, fighting to delay until most of the Ninth Pesht Regulars have boarded their DropShips. As the DropShips lift off, he explains to a furious Thilla Showers that when she beats him in their duel, then he will surrender all military forces that still remain on the planet. He thinks to himself that the Clans, for all their superiority, will have to learn to play a new game if they wished to fight in the Inner Sphere.

Echoes of Disgrace
Tai-i Junshi Ukawa is a senior officer among the DCMS forces assigned to carry out Coordinator Jinjiro Kurita’s orders to "Kill them all" on Kentares IV. He’s arrived in an isolated town in the Carmelite mountains where advance teams have already rounded up the populace and set them kneeling in three even rows to await their execution—men, women and children. Master Sergeant Kuzmin, a sadist who appears to be enjoying the massacre, hands Ukawa with a needler, reveling in Ukawa’s discomfort. Ukawa was pleased to do his duty to the Dragon in the fight against Federation soldiers, but his warrior’s sense of honor is becoming increasingly damaged by killing helpless civilians. He almost wishes the townsfolk would rise up and try to escape or overwhelm their captors, so that his killings would be in a fight, rather than just executions. In his mind, he attempts to dehumanize the enemy, and proceeds with his duty mechanically. Ukawa snaps as a young girl begs for him to spare her five-year-old brother, throwing herself in front of his shot in an attempt to save his life. He orders his men to spare the children. Master Sergeant Kuzmin reminds him of Jinjiro’s orders, and draws his weapon, intending to force Ukawa to continue the executions. Ukawa turns and shoots Kuzmin first, and is then tackled by the other men of the execution squad. He hears the sounds of the remaining townsfolk being gunned down, and knows that his gesture was both pointless and personally ruinous. Twenty-seven years later, Ukawa is offered the opportunity to redeem himself; placed in command of a Chain Gang, a twelve-strong contingent of criminals in barely functional ‘Mechs, Ukawa and his unit are sent on a raid against Scheat, with orders to destroy all of the important industrial or economic centers on the planet, beginning with a uranium mine and refining facility. Haunted by the past, Ukawa resolves to try and finish the mission, and finds a way to restore his own personal honor during the suicidal raid.

Of War and Peace and Cherry Trees
Part 1
Former Sho-sa (Major) Shintaro Yamada used to be hailed as a war hero—until he grew weary of the endless warfare and became the head of a peace movement on Richmond. Stripped of his rank, he has spent the past six years in the Castle of Unheard Screams, a prison on Richmond, where he meditates between meals and beatings. A cherry tree near the prison wall can be seen from his cell’s small window, and Yamada draws strength from the twisted tree that was planted too close to the prison wall, but has simply bent sideways to grow. On 14 November 3062 Yamada is informed by an ISF officer that the Alshain Avengers attacked the Ghost Bear Dominion capital world a month earlier, sparking a war. The Draconis Combine is desperate for troops to stem the tide of Clan Ghost Bear’s onslaught, and Yamada is offered to be reinstated to his position. Having vowed to fight war in all its guises, Yamada is reluctant at first but eventually accepts the reasoning that he should fight not for, but against something, that the Clans are war incarnate and must be contained. On the same day, Yamada is introduced to the Richmond Reserves under Tai-i Deborah Cahill, a young woman who openly greets him as "traitor" because of his pacifist activities. Her battle plan as presented to the attendant young warriors infuriates Yamada. Following the briefing, he admonishes her for sending them to their deaths with a pedestrian and unimaginative plan, but announces that he will fix it with a single Lance of BattleMechs. Yamada identifies a certain bridge (which Cahill had rigged with explosives and dismissed otherwise) as the fulcrum of the initial attack. He is proven correct when Star Colonel Christer Hall threatens to overrun it with four BattleMechs and four Points of Elementals before the charges can be detonated. However, Yamada has anticipated Hall’s move and has prepared a trap for the attackers. He participates in the battle himself, piloting an Atlas bearing only a twisted cherry tree with pink blossoms instead of House Kurita’s Dragon symbol.

Part 2
The Ghost Bear attack is repulsed thanks to Yamada’s preparations and his combat prowess. Brigit, a Clan MechWarrior, is taken prisoner. Yamada questions Brigit in the very same prison cell where he was previously kept and manipulates her into revealing the character of the Ghost Bear commander, Star Colonel Hall. Elsewhere, Cahill and her Richmond Reserves are meanwhile mauled, but hold off the diversionary assault by the slimmest of margins. The carnage reinforces Yamada’s belief in peace. Cahill seems to have aged a decade over three days of combat and is not so sure anymore about her opinion on Yamada, who still resents her. Having stalled the initial push, Yamada presents a plan to the planetary defenders and his ISF supervisor: he will challenge Star Colonel Hall to a Trial of Possession for the city of Newport. The city is critical to the planet’s defense, and will likely be overrun shortly anyways; but if Yamada prevails, the Ghost Bears will not attack for two weeks which will allow the Draconis Combine to move in crucial reinforcements. In truth, Yamada has no intention of actually winning the one-on-one duel in his Atlas versus Hall’s Kodiak. He manages to beat Hall, but instead of killing him he suspends the trial to negotiate his surrender. In return for his surrender, he demands that his peace movement will be allowed to function once Richmond is taken by Clan Ghost Bear. Hall accepts with one condition: he demands that Yamada will become his bondsman. Yamada balks at the realization that this will mean he must continue to wage war on the side of Clan Ghost Bear, but he gives in, knowing that he is a warrior at heart. He reinterprets the cherry tree from outside his cell to mean that a cherry tree is what it must be, and that Yamada too must be what he is: a warrior.

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