Download Base Camp Bears Series by Amelia Jade (.ePUB)

Base Camp Bears Series by Amelia Jade ( Books 1 & 2, 5-6)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 4.3 MB, 1.1 MB
Overview: Amelia Jade loves to write the stories of tall, growly shifter men and the women who come to love them. Living out in the back-country near the mountains, she keeps her own alpha male close by, to keep the bears away and keep her warm.
Genre: Paranormal Romance


1. Green Bearets: Luther – Bear shifter Luther Klein had trained his entire life to become a Green Bearet, one of the elite bear shifters of his homeland. But budget cuts by politicians forced him out just as he achieved his goal. Now, jaded at his homeland’s actions, he heads out into the human world. The nearby town of Cloud Lake calls his name, where he ends up in a dingy basement bar. But everything changes when his waitress walks up to the table and sends his bear into a frenzy…
Allix Rose is a nomad. A wanderer. She’s lived in over ten cities in the same number of years, never setting down roots. Life in Cloud Lake is okay, and she knows she’ll be content there for a while. Until the tall, handsome shifter with piercing green eyes sits down at her table. Then, everything changes.
When a fight erupts between shifters in her bar, Allix finds herself thrown headfirst into the shifter world against her desires. Can she come to grips with her feelings for Luther and perhaps discover what it is she’s been searching for? Or will the war she’s become involved with stop their blossoming romance in its tracks?

2. Green Bearets: Aksel – Aksel Muller was positive he had it all. He and his fellow Green Bearets are once again ready to defend their homeland of Cadia. He was even given the privilege of leading part of the mission to liberate the nearby human settlement of Cloud Lake from their enemies. But when he comes across a woman being kidnapped by evil shifters, Aksel immediately realizes he’s wrong. He hasn’t had everything he wanted. And he won’t, not until he has her…
They came for her in the night. Nina Palerno had lived in terror ever since her little backwater town was taken over by shifters from another stronghold. The Cadians were kind; these new shifters from Fenris burnt half the city down around them just for fun. As they spirit her away into the night, her house burning to ashes behind her, Nina is left without hope. Until he comes to her rescue.
Sworn to secrecy by her human bosses, she refuses to reveal why Fenris is after her. But as her feelings for Aksel grow, her loyalties begin to shift. Should she tell him her secret after all? And when renegade elements manage to do the unthinkable and kidnap her again, will she be able to withstand their more vicious methods? Can Aksel, when confronted with his worst nightmare, do what’s necessary to save the life of the woman he loves?

5. Green Bearets: Kiefer – Lieutenant Kiefer Hartmann was on duty. Tasked to watch the grounds of Base Camp to prevent a surprise attack, he was simply doing his job when he saw the strange figure ready to jump from the roof. But after charging to the rescue, it appears that perhaps he’d gotten things wrong. Now the gorgeous woman he’d just tried to save thinks he was out to kill her.
Two weeks. For two whole weeks Peyton Raine has been kept penned up at Base Camp. She wasn’t overly upset about it. Not toward the Green Bearets at least. What happened to her wasn’t their fault. After being rescued from the clutches of the evil Fenris shifters, it was expected that she would go back home. There was only one little problem with that…
The more time she spends with the Kiefer, the more Peyton realizes he doesn’t know about her condition. The way he treats her is refreshing and she finds herself wanting to spend more and more time with him. But a chance encounter during an unexpected trip back into human civilization has threatened it all. Can the pair unravel the secrets of her past together, or will the truth of Peyton’s real identity rip the lovers apart?

6. Green Bearets: Gabriel – Captain Gabriel Korver has been on the front lines for the entire duration of the war. He refuses to leave, citing the fact that he needs to be there. The truth is, he isn’t sure he could live with himself if his men were killed while he wasn’t around. The lack of downtime is playing havoc with his bear, and the resulting stress is tearing his mind apart. The last thing he needs is to be saddled with the small, stubborn, and yet somehow oddly desirable news reporter poking around Cloud Lake.
Stephanie Holmes was just a temp. She took the stories none of the “real” reporters would touch with a ten-foot pole, and did her best to turn them into things that could actually be aired, or written about, whichever her boss wanted. So when the others all pass up a chance to go to Cloud Lake and interview the bear shifters and learn about the ongoing war between them, the task falls to her. Her first warning that she might have gotten in above her head comes in the form of a towering figure, who happens to be both gorgeous, and also wearing a shirt covered in blood…
As the intrepid reporter learns more about the ongoing conflict, she begins to see the shifters for who they really are. That is, until her efforts to uncover some of the secrets of the war lead her to overhear Gabriel talking about her, leaving her hurt and confused.
The final battle with the Fenris Remnants is looming large, and Gabriel needs to focus what little mental strength he has left on the coming fight. He doesn’t have time for emotions such as lust, or even to his surprise, love, to get in the way. But when push comes to shove, it’s Stephanie who may just be able to end the war and save the day, not him.

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