Download Bangkok Days by Lawrence Osborne (.ePUB)(.MOBI)

Bangkok Days by Lawrence Osborne
Requirements: .ePUB, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 1.70 MB
Overview: A Passionate, Affectionate Record Of Adventures And Misadventures In The World’S Hottest Metropolis

Tourists come to Bangkok for many reasons—a sex change operation, a night with two prostitutes dressed as nuns, a stay in a luxury hotel. Lawrence Osborne comes for the cheap dentistry. Broke (but no longer in pain), he finds that he can live in Bangkok on a few dollars a day. And so the restless exile stays.

Osborne’s is a visceral experience of Bangkok, whether he’s wandering the canals that fill the old city; dining at the No Hands Restaurant, where his waitress feeds him like a baby; or launching his own notably unsuccessful career as a gigolo.

A guide without inhibitions, Osborne takes us to a feverish place where a strange blend of ancient Buddhist practice and new sexual mores has created a version of modernity only superficially indebted to the West.

Bangkok Days is a love letter to the city that revived Osborne’s faith in adventure and the world.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Biographies & Memoirs > Travel > Bangkok


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