Download Ava’s Crucible Series Complete by Mark Goodwin (.MP3)

Ava’s Crucible Series Complete by Mark Goodwin
Requirements: .MP3 reader, 574mb
Overview: A Post-Apocalyptic Series of America’s Coming Civil War.
Genre: Audiobooks > Fiction


BOOK 1: Divided We Fall

A Stolen Election. An Unlikely Heroine. The Second American Civil War.
The deck is stacked against twenty-nine-year-old Ava. She’s a fighter, but she’s got trust issues and doesn’t always make the best decisions. Her personal complications aren’t without merit, but America is on the verge of a second civil war, and Ava must pull it together if she wants to survive.
The tentacles of the deep state have infiltrated every facet of American culture. The public education system, entertainment industry, and mainstream media have all been hijacked by a shadow government intent on fomenting a communist revolution in the United States. The antagonistic message of this agenda has poisoned the minds of America’s youth who are convinced that capitalism and conservatism are responsible for all the ills of the world. Violent protest, widespread destruction, and politicians who insist on letting the disassociated vent their rage will bring America to her knees, threatening to decapitate the laws, principles, and values on which the country was founded. The revolution has been well-planned, but the socialists may have underestimated America’s true patriots who refuse to give up without a fight.
Ava’s had a hard life . . . and it’s about to get a whole lot tougher!
Ava has a long history of loss and abandonment. It’s understandable why she’s hesitant to put her faith in people, but she simply cannot survive on her own. She must deal with her crisis of faith and learn to trust others, or she’ll never make it through the bloodiest period of America’s history.

BOOK 2: Embers of Empire

America has fallen. Ava’s band of misfits is all that stands between freedom and absolute tyranny.
Political division in the United States has reached the boiling point and the Second American Civil War is well underway. Communist agitators have stolen the election by intimidating voters from key states. A far-left socialist candidate has seized the reins of power and his designs against the republic are absolute. With a sympathetic congress, he will sign in sweeping bans on firearms, criminalize free speech, and institute a new government agency to root out dissenters.
Ava’s group will launch an insurgency campaign against the occupying force in Texas, but they’ll have to watch out for agents who have been tasked with purging the patriots. Her team cannot fail in their mission to liberate the Lone Star State. If Texas falls, America’s demise is all but certain.

BOOK 3: United We Stand

The worst has happened. Texas has fallen. It’s up to Ava to get it back.
Without the support of Lone Star State, the Alliance has no hope against the powerful and corrupt regime which has hijacked the majority of the United States.
Still mourning her loss, Ava has seen more death and destruction than she ever bargained for. She’s finished with fighting, but she may hold the key to America’s survival.
An unexpected visitor implores her to take on one last impossible task. If she turns down the request, it could spell the end of freedom and the Alliance, but if she accepts the challenge, victory is by no means guaranteed.
Ava has endured as much heartache as she can handle, but if America dies, if the Alliance fails, things will only get worse. She has to make a choice, and she must act before the clock runs out.
As with all books by Mark Goodwin, this book contains no profanity and no embarrassing sex scenes. However, if you’re offended by conservative principles and references to Scripture, this book might not be for you.

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