Download The Pact Between Angels and Witches by Kiesha Thomas (.ePUB)

The Pact Between Angels and Witches by Kiesha Thomas (Angel Academy Year Two)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 314 kb
Overview: A shared enemy. An unlikely alliance, with the fate of the world hanging in the balance.

Cade Cohen mysteriously survives the vampire virus, but no without consequences. The shape shifting demons have succeeded in their plan, and thousand year war treaty has been broken. Chaos ensues everywhere. Cade faces the most difficult test yet, as he must form an unlikely alliance in order to fight the Demon Angel Offspring (DAO) or the planet will be destroyed.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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Download Los Angeles Business Journal – April 13, 2020 (.PDF)

Los Angeles Business Journal – April 13, 2020
Requirements: .PDF reader, 13 MB
Overview: Each week, the award-winning Los Angeles Business Journal examines the many ways that the L.A. economy operates. First-rate editorial and research teams provide in-depth analyses of the community’s dynamic business and economic scene.
Genre: Magazines & Newspapers


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Download Vial Things by Leah Clifford (.ePUB)

Vial Things by Leah Clifford (The Resurrectionists Book 1)
Requirements: epub/azw3/mobi reader, 482 KB 2020 Reissue
Overview: When the Resurrectionists of Fissure’s Whipp begin disappearing, eighteen-year-old Allie knows what the murderers are after. The genetic mutation found coursing through the veins of all those like her can heal wounds and even bring back the recently deceased. Throughout history, people have killed to get their hands on even a precious vial of Resurrectionist blood.
After being raised by her aunt when her parents’ lives are taken, Allie knows better than most that staying vigilant means staying alive. On her own for the first time, she’ll need more than fighting skills and a sharp blade to survive. Allie will do whatever it takes, even going so far as to befriend a gutter punk with a heart of gold named Ploy who unwittingly trades a few nights a week on her couch in exchange for being a human tripwire to those who may come in the dark.
But as Allie and Ploy’s feelings for each other grow, and the looming threat seems to zero in on Allie, she must discover who is behind the horrific killings and stop them before she becomes their next victim.
Genre: Romance


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Download Struggling for Control by Joanna Fox (.ePUB)(.AZW3)

Struggling for Control by Joanna Fox (A London Millionaire Romance Series 2)
Requirements: epub/azw3/mobi reader, 855 KB
Overview: One thing I’ve learned is that there’s more to Mr Fletcher than meets the eye.
But I can’t afford to dwell on it. After we came back from that fateful work trip, we promised one another that our relationship had to remain cordial.
Not a single side-eye or smile in the workplace. He’s there to steer the course of his company; I’m there to work.
But every time he gives me an order, even if it’s just to get coffee… I’m reminded of our trip, and this unresolved tension between us.
He likes to be in control. And me? Well.
I love to lose control.
We’re far too well fitted, and we both know it. And when a crisis at the workplace threatens to tear everything apart…
Our promise is put to the test.
Genre: Romance


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Download Invisible by Skye Stone (.ePUB)(.AZW3)

Invisible by Skye Stone (Reverse Harem Trilogy 1)
Requirements: epub/azw3/mobi reader, 369 KB
Overview: What if I told you that I was the daughter of a famous man? And, that he denied my very existence? And, on the day that he became Governor of California, a target was placed on his entire family.
Including…me, the bastard daughter.
Then, three men came to rescue me when I didn’t want to be rescued and pulled me out of the abyss. I was drowning in my sorrow, I was fading into oblivion.
I’d become invisible to everyone including myself.
Until, they came and rescued me.
Genre: Romance


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