Download National Geographic Hors-Série – Juin/Juillet 2021 (.PDF)

National Geographic Hors-Série – Juin/Juillet 2021
Requirements: .PDF reader, 69 MB
Overview: “Développer et diffuser la connaissance géographique” : c’est autour de ces mots que s’ouvrait, en 1888, le premier numéro de National Geographic Magazine. Forte de ses éditions internationales, la revue est devenue le support des plus grands photographes et des plus belles images. Parmi elles, la version française, lancée en 1999, qui réunit chaque mois près de 3 millions de lecteurs. D’outre-Atlantique, National Geographic transmet la richesse de reportages façonnés par l’amour de la connaissance et la soif de la découverte, relayant notamment les récits des expéditions financées par la National Geographic Society. Reste l’agrément singulier, la “french touch”, faite de couvertures adaptées aux goûts nationaux et de sujets aux accents plus français.
Genre: Magazines & Newspapers


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Download Takeoff! by Randall Garrett (.ePUB)

Takeoff! (1979) SSC by Randall Garrett (ed. Jerry eBooks 2019)
Requirements: ePUB reader, 11.7Mb
Overview: Randall Garrett writes in his introduction: “A pastiche attempts to tell a story in the same way that another author would have told it. . . . A parody, when properly done, takes an author’s idiosyncracies—of style, content, and method of presentation—and very carefully exaggerates them. You jack them up just one more notch.” When a master does it, few things in literature are more delightful. Here are Asimov, Lovecraft, Russell, van Vogt, Sprague de Camp, Anderson and many others, so well done that you may have difficulty believing it. Takeoff is a rare phenomenon, and one of the most delightful books in science fiction. And it is more than that. It also speaks of, from A.E. van Vogt’s introduction: the “elegance of his style” and “the beauty of his imagery,” and the “easy insertion of difficult technical information. No matter what he writes, the style flows poetically.” But most of all, it’s just plain fun.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


Table of Contents:
Introduction by A.E. van Vogt
Gentelmen: Please Note
Backstage Lensman
The Best Policy
The Cosmic Beat
Despoilers of the Golden Empire
The Horror Out of Time
Look Out! Duck!
Masters of the Metropolis
. . . No Connections
On the Martian Problem
Prehistoric Note
“Reviews in Verse”
Isaac Asimov’s “The Caves of Steel”
Alfred Bester’s “The Demolished Man”
L. Sprague DeCamp’s “Lest Darkness Fall”
A.E. van Vogt’s “Slan”
Poul Anderson’s “Three Hearts and Three Lions”
John W. Campbell’s “Who Goes There?”
The Adventures of “Little Willie”
Introduction to Benedict Breadfruit by Grendel Briarton
Through Time and Space with Benedict Breadfruit

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Download Kemalism in Turkish Politics by Sinan Ciddi (.PDF)

Kemalism in Turkish Politics: The Republican People’s Party, Secularism and Nationalism by Sinan Ciddi
Requirements: .PDF reader, 1.4 MB
Overview: This book is concerned with Turkey’s political evolution, the role of Kemalism, and why a social democratic alternative has never fully developed. Concentrating on the electoral weaknesses of the Turkish centre-left, represented by the Republican People’s Party (CHP), Sinan Ciddi examines the roles of nationalism and the political establishment and the role of Kemalist ideology.

Established by Kemal Ataturk, the CHP is seen to be the founding party of modern Turkey. Kemalism sought to create a secular and democratic society based on the principles of republicanism, populism, secularism, nationalism and revolutionism. Although this leftist ideology became an integral part of Turkish politics by the early 1960s, it has remained a comparatively weak representative movement.
Genre: Non-Fiction > History


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