Download Austin Carr Mystery Series by Jack Getze (.ePUB)(.MOBI)

Austin Carr Mystery Series by Jack Getze (1,3)
Requirements: ePUB/MOBI Reader, 1.20 mb
Overview: Former newsman Jack Getze is Fiction Editor for Anthony-nominated Spinetingler Magazine, one of the internet’s oldest websites for noir, crime and horror short stories. His screwball mysteries — BIG NUMBERS, BIG MONEY, BIG MOJO and the short story BIG MOUTH — were published in 2013 and 2014 by Down and Out Books. Number five in the Austin Carr series, BIG SHOES, is scheduled for 2015. His short stories have appeared online at A Twist of Noir, Beat to a Pulp, The Big Adios, and in two anthologies, Down, Out and Dead and the newly released LAST WORDS.
Genre: Fiction -Mystery

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1. Big Numbers
Because alimony and child support payments were established when his income was double his current earnings, Austin Carr’s salary is attached and his visiting rights are suspended. By stretching the rules and his own morals, he tries to raise the cash needed to see his kids again. But does the sexy redhead really offer an answer, or will Austin’s big mouth and bad behavior set him up for a surprising double-cross and a killer, 800-pound tuna? Root for Austin to redeem himself and win back the children he loves.

3. Big Mojo
Wall Street garbage washes up on the Jersey Shore when a small time broker falls in love: Is he attracted to the beautiful lady—or her brother’s inside information? It’s even possible the savvy, fast-talking Austin Carr was tricked into his condition by a love potion. Whatever the reason, Austin is again held spellbound by a steamy redhead, this one with a dubious past and a get-rich-quick, insider trading scheme. Austin must overcome the ill-tempered “Mr. Vic” Bonacelli, who wants his redhead back, Mr. Vic’s mother, local mob lieutenant and amateur chemist, Angelina “Mama Bones” Bonacelli, plus a violent criminal from his friend Luis’ past. To survive, Austin will have to shoot a man, discover the fate of a jewel called the Big Mojo, slam the lid on a career-ruining insider trading case, then settle up with Mama Bones from inside a giant, sharp-bladed dough mixer.

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