Download Así Conquistamos El Mirador by José Jegerlehner [SPA] (.ePUB)

Así Conquistamos El Mirador, La Ciudad Maya: Guatemala, 3ra Edicion by José Luis Elgueta Jegerlehner
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 315 KB | Version: Retail
Overview: Dear reader, you have in your hands the narrative of the wonderful experience that I lived and enjoyed venturing five days and nights into the lavish and pristine jungle of Petén, in the north of Guatemala, to visit the oldest archaeological site in the area. : The looker. Authentic cradle of the Mayan civilization and the first city state on the American continent.

In this way, through this, you will also be able to discover the odyssey that involves traveling on foot or on muleback the nearly 150 kilometers between the jungle that the adventure demands, the abundant nature of the environment and the magnificent archaeological treasures that this hidden place , ancient and still enigmatic Mayan city it contains.

In fact, it is important for you to know that El Mirador far surpasses Tikal, both for the size of its area and for its wonders, among which the monumental La Danta pyramid, the magnificent frieze of the Twin Brothers, its aligned observatories stand out. astronomical monuments, the enigmatic tomb of King Jaguar Claw and many more.

Furthermore, aware of the importance of concrete knowledge, I reviewed different sources of information so that it reached the dimension of a resource for learning, even in the classroom, mainly in relation to the natural and social sciences, which is why it also results in a magnificent source of information.

So, venture out too, albeit in the comfort of your home, and read and feel the fantastic experience I had.
Genre: Non-Fiction > History


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