Download Ashvale: The Vampire’s Thrall by Jade Church (.ePUB)

Ashvale: The Vampire’s Thrall by Jade Church (Ashvale 1)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 700 kb
Overview: Leonora Romilly was murdered. The catch? She didn’t stay dead.

Instead, she finds herself alive-ish and swept away to Ashvale to learn how to be a fully-functioning, albeit undead, member of society.

At Ashvale, the blood runs free and the sexual tension never sleeps, but under the surface, something much more sinister lurks.

With her would-be murderer still roaming free, a new-found love, and her lost memories on the line, can Leonora survive Ashvale with both her head and her heart intact?
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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