Download Arthritis by Lynne McTaggart (.ePUB)

Arthritis: Drug-Free Alternatives to Prevent and Relieve Arthritis by Lynne McTaggart
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 2.MB
Overview: Arthritis has reached pandemic levels in the western world. A chronic condition conventional medicine finds very hard to deal with, it is one of the most common diseases associated with old age, and one of the biggest causes of disability at any time of life. But there is little medicine can do, other than help suppress the pain and inflammation, and replace joints. This book supplies a wide array of possibilities that can help to relieve pain, improve movement, and even reverse the problem. They include new diets, herbal remedies, exercises and even mind-over-matter techniques. This is a must-read for anyone with arthritis who’s been told there’s nothing that can be done to help them.

Known for its in-depth research, What Doctors Don’t Tell You has been researching medicine ā€“ alternative and conventional ā€“ since 1989, and is now widely regarded as one of the best health newsletters in the world. It grew from a sense of frustration with conventional medicine and a desire to inform others of its shortcomings and dangers, and the alternatives that can really work. Each book in this authoritative new series focuses on a common health condition or concern, to help readers make informed decisions about their health, and the health of their families.
Genre: Non-Fiction, Health


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