Download Aries by Robin Leaf (.ePUB)(.AZW3)

Aries by Robin Leaf (The Zodiac Collection)
Requirements: epub, mobi, azw3 reader, 439 KB
Overview: I’m not having the best day. My principal called me in to tell me that my teaching assignment will change this school year. The advanced placement program I’ve worked so hard to build will now be in the hands of someone new… someone who’s unqualified. As I’m leaving that meeting, who do I see?
The boy from my past, all grown up, the one who stole my heart… and my future.
My archnemesis… Mason effin’ McIntyre.
While he looks at me like I’m a sight to behold, I formulate a plan to get rid of him. Make his life so miserable, he has no choice but to bug out and go back to his successful life, the life he stole from me.
If only things were that easy. My mind says he has to go. If only my body and heart would listen.
Genre: Romance


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