Download Ariel by Steven R. Boyett (.ePUB)(.MOBI)(.AZW3)

Ariel by Steven R. Boyett (Change #1)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, MOBI reader, AZW3 reader, 1.5MB
Overview: For two years, Pete Garey wandered through the strange new world of Earth after the Change, a moment when technology ceased to work & things like planes, trains & automobiles became junk. He was alone until the day he was found by a unicorn who’d become his familiar. Ariel is just one of the many magical creatures to appear after the Change, but the only one with the stunning ability (or, perhaps, desire) to talk. The bond between Pete & Ariel will be like no other he’s experienced.

If you know mythology, you know what anyone who wishes to be close to a unicorn must be. Pete’s a virgin of 20. In many ways he’s more unworldly than expected. Whether the loss of the technical wonders of modernity has contributed to his naivete, or if it is the result of so many years in a depopulated country, is difficult to say. Could be he would have grown up that way even in the before Change world. Whatever the reason, it makes him perfectly suited to be Ariel’s friend & foil.
Genre: Fantasy, Post Apocalyptic


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